Friday, March 28, 2008

Record Keeping and Disclaimer:

RECORD KEEPINGGood record keeping is of the utmost importance. If you aren’t doing it now, we’ll insist you start and we’ll be happy to help and assist in every way. If you will not keep records, we will not be able to consult with you. Records are vital to establish a point of beginning and to effectively determine our progress.


Improving Agriculture within the Laws of Nature
With emphasis on:

BIOLOGY is that living microbial life force that creates the proper nutrients that sustains all life in its healthiest and most vibrant forms.

ENZYMES are the products of that biological life; Enzymes are energized protein molecules that drive, govern and enable all life to function in any and all capacities.

MINERALS are the key to Enzyme function. They also act as structural building blocks, catalysts, and electrical conductors as well as assisting the maintenance of proper systemic pH balance.

ENERGY is in all matter. It cannot be created or destroyed, but is instead converted from one form to another. Biological Ionization is the study of the laws of creation, how energy becomes matter, and how matter becomes energy on a continuous basis to sustain all life rather than destroy it.

WATER is that life giving, life sustaining substance needed by all living organisms from the simplest single cell microorganisms to the most complex of all creation, mankind. Water is the energetic substance that enables Biology, Enzymes and Minerals to function properly and to their fullest potential.

BIOLOGY ENZYMES MINERALS ENERGY AND WATER in combination are the most dynamic life forces on earth to form, create, nourish and sustain all living matter so that it might reach its fullest potential under the divine “blueprint” designed by its creator.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Our Objectives

Through research and testing we are continuously improving our technologies in how we manage our biological programs to produce better and better results. The more we learn, the more we understand that there is so much more that we don’t know. However, that is never a reason to stop researching and developing better programs. The more we accomplish on the limited knowledge that we have, the more we know that things can only get better and better as we continue to progress in understanding nature and developing our programs so they comply with those natural laws that govern all life. Understanding these natural laws and working within them is the key to achieving outstanding results when it comes to soil biology management, plant development and growth, animal and human health and environmental accountability.

We are a ‘hands on’ management consulting firm; our objective is to teach you what we’ve learned and how to do it. Our research and testing has come at our own expense. We spend our own money, our time, researching, testing, implementing and developing our programs. Our results are ‘field based’ not ‘laboratory based’, there is a huge difference. What we know is first hand experience gained from our own successes as well as failures by doing it ourselves. Much of what we do is very ‘unconventional’ in relation to the modern agricultural practices used today, and with good reason. We are also ‘pushing the envelope’ on many of the conventional organic methods and several new programs are completely unknown and or unheard of even by conventional organic thinkers. However, these programs work and our challenge is to find practical ways to implement them as we develop them, so it is always an ongoing process.